Monday, August 17, 2009

Etsy Finds

With the weather warming up (well did it really ever get that cold here?) its time to think summer wardrobe.

Last years t-shirts are looking a little worse for wear so I have treated myself to a couple of new ones which I discovered at Xenotees on etsy. Lets just hope that these ones are strong enough to deal with Alvin's Talons.

The only down side is that now I have to sit back and wait for my present in the post.


  1. These are great! Now I'm going to check out Xenotees Etsy shop. Enjoy the warmer weather. :)

  2. I love that fork Tshirt, very different indeed.

  3. Oooh - nice find! I'm gonna look at the shop too! I'm liking the fork!!
    Just lovin this beautiful Bris weather!
    Cheers, Karen


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